Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Summer trip, New Zealand

إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْ‌ضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ‌ وَالْفُلْكِ الَّتِي تَجْرِ‌ي فِي الْبَحْرِ‌ بِمَا يَنفَعُ النَّاسَ وَمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّـهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مِن مَّاءٍ فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الْأَرْ‌ضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَابَّةٍ وَتَصْرِ‌يفِ الرِّ‌يَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ الْمُسَخَّرِ‌ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْ‌ضِ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ      
Lo! In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which ran upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah send down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah's sovereignty) for people who have sense.
Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, silih bergantinya malam dan siang, bahtera yang berlayar di laut membawa apa yang berguna bagi manusia, dan apa yang Allah turunkan dari langit berupa air, lalu dengan air itu Allah hidupkan bumi sesudah mati (keringnya) dan Allah sebarkan di bumi itu segala jenis haiwan, dan pengisaran angin dan awan yang dikendalikan antara langit dan bumi; sesungguhnya terdapat tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah bagi kaum yang memikirkannya. [2:164]


Summer trip to Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ) gave us a breath taking picturesque sceneries. Alhamdulillah praise be to Allah that we had a chance to discover New Zealand and reflect upon the Allah All Mighty through His creatures. 

The lakes, the sky, the mountains, the glacier melting, the cute animals we encountered both naturally and in wildlife sanctuary, the beaches, the soft sand, the wind, the trees. Eveything, like everything you looked at show the signs of Allah for those who ponder and reflect upon.

Rugilah sesiapa yang travel selalu, sampai NZ ni rasa kehambaan dan kekerdilan tu tiada. Hanya untuk tangkap gambar dan beli cenderahati je, pastu balik. -.- 

The nature

Lake Tekapo scenery from our backpackers accommodation. 

Look at the blue colour of the lake and the sky. Then we say, Allahuakhbar.

Lake Pukaki also has its water source from melting glacier nearby. 
Hence, the turquoise water. Same goes to Lake Tekapo.

I want to keep the sound that I've listened on that day, thus I recorded it using iPod. Try to close your eyes. You will feel peaceful. 

View of Lake Pukaki from where I sat on that day. Cantik sangat sampai rasa tak nak balik. Nak duduk situ lama-lama sambil dengan bunyi air memukul pinggir batu. :')

Nampak view cantik sikit sepanjang perjalanan nak ke Queenstown, kami berhenti sekejap. Snap snap! (Credit picture to Ernnie) 

Ini bukan lukisan. Sila percaya. :)

Bungy jumping
No no no! We were reluctant enough to give away our money for the bungy jumping just like that. Mahal kot! It was as if, "Bila terjun tu, rasa macam terjun (melayang) jugaklah duit" (Quote: Kak Zatil). 

Yeah yeah, chicken us. Say whatever.

Again, I recorded the view from the top deck. Just so I remember how high the jumping can be. Please bear with the squeeze size of the video!

Air Force Museum
Having a time traveller journey (ewah) since the war time to the current aviation. Plus, the admission fee is free!

Sempat bergambar dengan insan-insan yang pernah menyertai perang. Uncle yang sebelah kiri tu sempat berkhidmat untuk WW2. 

Such an honour to meet them in person. And they were volunteering at Air Force Museum! I really love how the volunteers shared their passion and experiences on the battle field with us. Applause!

The end. :)

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